GigaTribe's unique features

No limitation on files
No limitations onquantity or file size
All your files remain on your hard drive eliminating the need to transfer them to an external server.
Original format
Files are available intheir original format
In just a few clicks you can share and also find files as if you were in a virtual library. You will see files as they were organized on the hard drive and you can download them in their original format.
Your files remainyours
Files you have decided to share are not stored on another company’s servers. You keep your data under your control.
No time wasting
You don't waste timeuploading files
Once you select which folders you want to share, the contents of those folders are instantly accessible to your friends.You don't spend time uploading your files for your contacts. You let your contacts browse your shared folders and download the files they need.
Two way sharing
It's a two way sharingservice
Each contact can both share and download. The more contacts you invite the more content you get. Your community continues to grow and more files become available.You decide which content is worth downloading among the files available to you.
Transfer automatically
Transfer automaticallyresumes
If a download is interrupted (for example, if a contact goes offline), the transfer automatically resumes with no loss of data when your contact comes back online.If the file that you are downloading is available from any other contacts in your list then GigaTribe automatically retrieves the file from all those contacts and continues to download it for you.
Find people who have the same interests as you with the hashtag system
More than 1.7 millions users
Security & Confidentiality

Security & Confidentiality

  • Only people you have invited can see your files.
  • Only the folders you have selected are visible to your contacts.
  • Every exchange is strongly encrypted: No one can see what is being shared.
  • Nothing is stored on a server, all shared folders are on your hard drive.

Download for free

Current versions:
Legal use

Downloading GigaTribe does not give you license to obtain or share unauthorized or copyrighted materials. Do not download this program if you intend to use it for copyright infringement.